Type alias FullChat

FullChat: {
    archived: boolean;
    canSend: boolean;
    chatType: T.U32;
    color: string;
    contactIds: T.U32[];
    contacts: Contact[];
    ephemeralTimer: T.U32;
    freshMessageCounter: Usize;
    id: T.U32;
    isContactRequest: boolean;
    isDeviceChat: boolean;
    isMuted: boolean;
    isProtected: boolean;
    isProtectionBroken: boolean;
    isSelfTalk: boolean;
    isUnpromoted: boolean;
    mailingListAddress: string | null;
    name: string;
    pinned: boolean;
    profileImage: string | null;
    selfInGroup: boolean;
    wasSeenRecently: boolean;

Type declaration

  • archived: boolean
  • canSend: boolean
  • chatType: T.U32
  • color: string
  • contactIds: T.U32[]
  • contacts: Contact[]
  • ephemeralTimer: T.U32
  • freshMessageCounter: Usize
  • id: T.U32
  • isContactRequest: boolean
  • isDeviceChat: boolean
  • isMuted: boolean
  • isProtected: boolean

    True if the chat is protected.

    UI should display a green checkmark in the chat title, in the chat profile title and in the chatlist item if chat protection is enabled. UI should also display a green checkmark in the contact profile if 1:1 chat with this contact exists and is protected.

  • isProtectionBroken: boolean
  • isSelfTalk: boolean
  • isUnpromoted: boolean
  • mailingListAddress: string | null
  • name: string
  • pinned: boolean
  • profileImage: string | null
  • selfInGroup: boolean
  • wasSeenRecently: boolean

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